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Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, M.F.A. Painting, 1992

Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, B.A. Magna Cum Laude, 1990




JJ Murphy Gallery, New York, New York, Voices in the Dark (solo)

Common Ground Gallery, VisArts, Rockville, Maryland, The View from the Road: Darwin (solo)

Upstate Art Weekend at Stable Gate Winery, Castleton on Hudson, New York, Moirai

Cade Art Gallery, Anne Arundel Community College, Arnold, Maryland, Street View: Paintings by Matt Klos and Nora Sturges


C. Grimaldis Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland, In the Night Garden (solo, catalog available)

Rice Gallery, McDaniel College, Westminster, Maryland, Light and Color, Space and Place


C. Grimaldis Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland, Abstraction, curated by Giulia Piera Livi

Galerie im Körnerpark, Berlin, Germany, Anonyme Zeichner 2022

Asya Geisberg Gallery, New York, New York, Charm City, curated by Carolyn Case

Ejecta Projects, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, Things Not Seen (solo)


Aughinbaugh Gallery, Messiah College, Grantham, Pennsylvania, Postcards from the Unknown (solo)

​C. Grimaldis Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland, Summer ‘20

Lyman Allyn Art Museum, New London, CT, A Century of Creativity: Connecticut Art

from the New Haven Paint & Clay Club


C. Grimaldis Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland, Levitation (solo)


C. Grimaldis Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland, On Certain Floors, Certain Wonders (solo)

Ejecta Projects, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, Valediction

C. Grimaldis Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland, Summer ‘18

Dolphin Design Center Gallery, MICA, Baltimore, Maryland, Open During Construction


Salve Regina Gallery, Catholic University, Washington, DC, Outside Narratives: Modern Stories of the Outside World


David Lusk Gallery, Nashville, Tennessee, Fictional Spaces (solo)

C. Grimaldis Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland, Landscapes into Art

Jordan Faye Contemporary, Baltimore, Maryland, Being Present


Lonsdale Gallery, Toronto, Canada, Shelter

Anonyme Zeichner/Anonymous Drawings 2015, Galerie Nord, Berlin, Germany, travels to artQ13, Rome, Italy, Galerie GEYSO20, Braunschweig, Germany, and Kunstverein Russelsheim, Germany

David Lusk Gallery, Nashville, Tennessee, Land Rush

Galerie Youn, Montreal, Canada, Stories of the Familiar Transformed

Lonsdale Gallery, Toronto, Canada, Opening the Vault


Mount St. Mary's University, Emmitsburg, Maryland, Temporary Cities (solo)

American University Museum, Washington, DC, The Neighbors

Gauntlet Gallery, SanFrancisco, CA, Lost Moments: Scott Listfield and Friends

Maryland Institute, College of Art, Baltimore, MD, Sondheim Prize Semi-finalists Exhibition

Lonsdale Gallery, Toronto, Canada, Intrepid


Stevenson University, Stevenson, Maryland, Borderlands (solo)

Lonsdale Gallery, Toronto, Canada, New Painting: Katherine Mann, Ali Miller, and Nora Sturges

Seraphin Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, Masters and Mavericks

Jordan Faye Contemporary, Baltimore, MD, Structures at the Edge of Infinity: Magnolia Laurie, Lat Naylor, Nora Sturges, Cynthia Ona Innis

McLean Project for the Arts, McLean, VA, Small Stories: Paintings by Nora Sturges, Matthew Mann, and Gregory Ferrand

Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts, Wilmington, DE, Freak Antique

Lonsdale Gallery, Toronto, Canada, Something Still


Civilian Art Projects, Washington, DC, 6 Painters

Community College of Baltimore County, Drawing School

Delaware Museum of Art, Wilmington, DE, Centennial Juried Exhibition

Maryland Institute College of Art, Meyerhoff & Decker Galleries, Baltimore, MD, Sondheim Semi-finalists Exhibition


Goucher College, Silber Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland, Once Upon a Time

McLean Project for the Arts, McLean, Virginia, Strictly Painting 8, Jayme McLellan, juror


Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin, Germany, Anonyme Zeichner No. 10 (Anonymous Drawings No. 10), selected by Blutenweiss/Anke Becker

Fraser Gallery, Bethesda, Maryland, Bethesda Painting Awards, jurors: Dr. Carolyn Carr, Mark Karnes, and Erling Sjovold, Best in Show Award

University of Mary Washington Ridderhof Martin Gallery, Fredericksburg, VA, Mid-atlantic New Painting 2010



Bachelier-Cardonsky Gallery, Kent, Connecticut (solo)

Maryland Art Place, Baltimore, Maryland, Framed Reality



Maryland State Arts Council Backas Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland, Personal Vocabulary

Freedman Gallery, Albright College, Reading, PA, two person show

Bachelier Cardonsky Gallery, Kent, Connecticut, Winging It



Bachelier-Cardonsky Gallery, Kent, Connecticut (solo)



Second Street Gallery, Charlottesville, Virginia, Adventures with Marco Polo (solo)

College of Notre Dame, Baltimore, Maryland, Travels with Marco Polo (solo)

The Painting Center, New York City, Grand Allusions

Bachelier Cardonsky Gallery, Kent, Connecticut, Intimate Works

Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts, Annapolis, Maryland, Magical Realism



Lancaster Museum of Art, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Marco Polo’s Travels (solo)

Pennsylvania College of Art & Design, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Telling Stories: The Narrative in Contemporary Art

McLean Project for the Arts, McLean, Virginia, Strictly Painting V, Jonathan Binstock, Curator of Contemporary Art, Corcoran Gallery of Art, juror



Bachelier-Cardonsky Gallery, Kent, Connecticut, Human Nature

Howard County Center for the Arts, Ellicott City, MD, ArtMD 2004, Stephen Bennett Phillips, curator, the Phillips Collection, juror

Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri, 14th Annual National Art Competition, Jeff Flemming, Senior Curator, Des Moines Art Center, juror



Maryland State Arts Council, 7 MSAC Individual Artist Grant Recipients FY2002

Bachelier-Cardonsky Gallery, Kent, Connecticut, Strictly For The Birds

Maryland Federation of Art, Baltimore, Maryland, Drawings and Etchings, juried

The Barth Galleries, 10th Anniversary Show, Columbus, Ohio



Ventura College, Ventura, California (solo)

Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, Disgusting Nature (solo)

School 33 Art Center, Baltimore, Maryland, New Work: Paintings by Nora Sturges (solo)

The Barth Galleries, Columbus, Ohio, New Paintings by Nora Sturges (solo)

Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts, Wilmington, Delaware, Allegorical Expressions in Contemporary Painting

Bachelier-Cardonsky Gallery, Kent, Connecticut, Humanity

New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary Art, New Harmony, Indiana, Nora Sturges, Clayton Peterson, M. M. Dupay

Bachelier-Cardonsky Gallery, Kent, Connecticut, Windows

Howard County Center for the Arts, Ellicott City, Maryland, Heaven, Hell and the Garden

Fleckenstein Gallery, Towson, Maryland, Everybody Draws



Sheetz Gallery, Pennsylvania State University, Altoona, Pennsylvania (solo)

Leu Gallery, Belmont University, Nashville, Tennessee (solo)

Schoharie County Arts Council, Cobbleskill, New York, National Small Works Exhibition, David Beitzel, juror



Bachelier-Cardonsky Gallery, Kent, Connecticut (solo)

The Barth Galleries, Columbus, Ohio, Nora Sturges: Imagined Events and Landscapes (solo)

Howard County Center for the Arts, Ellicott City, Maryland, ArtMD 2000, Dr. Susan Rosenberg, juror

Kingston Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts, New Art Y2K, curated by Susan Stoops

First Street Gallery, New York City, National Competition, William Beckman, juror

Makeready Press Gallery at Gallery 214, Montclair, New Jersey, Dreamscapes Landscapes


Bachelier-Cardonsky Gallery, Kent, Connecticut (solo)

Spruill Center for the Arts, Atlanta, Georgia, A View From The Garden

The Barn Gallery, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Figures and Landscapes: Mikhail Gubin, Nora Sturges, Kate Borcherding

Herndon Gallery, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, Burge and Sturges: 8x10


1708 Gallery, Richmond, Virginia, Nora Sturges: Imaginary Landscapes (solo)

The Barth Galleries, Columbus, Ohio, Nora Sturges: Recent Work (solo)

Bachelier-Cardonsky Gallery, Kent, Connecticut

The Barth Galleries, Cleveland, Ohio, Nora Sturges, Ken Koon, Paintings

The Barth Galleries, Columbus, Ohio,  Fifth Anniversary Show


SPACELab Gallery at Spaces, Cleveland, Ohio, Nora Sturges: Between Dreaming and Waking (solo)

Burke Hall Gallery, Denison University, Granville, Ohio, Female Myths: Work by Christine French, Jill Ziccardi, Nora Sturges

ACME Art Company, Columbus, Ohio, Work by Nora Sturges and Linda Leviton

The Barth Galleries, Cleveland, Ohio, Inaugural Exhibition



Manhattanville College, Purchase, New York, Nora Sturges and Dee Carnelli

The Barth Galleries, Columbus, Ohio, Nora Sturges, Morris Jackson, Christine C. Smith

Machine Shop Gallery, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, Evocations



McDonough Museum of Art, Youngstown State Univ., Youngstown, Ohio (solo)

Mount Vernon Nazarene College, Mount Vernon, Ohio, Nora Sturges and Barbara Butler



Hypotenuse Gallery, Sinclair Community College, Dayton, Ohio (solo)

Silvermine Guild Arts Center, New Canaan, Connecticut, New Members Group Show

John Slade Ely House, New Haven, Connecticut



A.R.C. Gallery, Chicago, Illinois, Image and Soul



Art & Antiques, Reviving Artistic Lineages: Art History and Contemporary Thought Are Integrated in Nora Sturges’s Abstract Paintings by Rebecca Allan, November, 2022, p. 30-35.

Inertia Studio Visits, exhibition visit interview, 2019,

Cover painting, Immortal Village, Kathryn Rhett, Carnegie Melon Press, 2018.

Open Lab Magazine, Nora Sturges, number 10, spring/summer, 2014.

Cover painting, Little "g" God Grows Tired of Me. Aby Kaupang, Spring Gun Press, 2013

New American Paintings, number 100, 2012

New American Paintings, number 88, 2010

Cover painting, History Matters: Contemporary Poetry on the Margins of Contemporary Culture, Ira Sadoff, University of Iowa Press, 2009

Cover painting, The Glass House, New Poems by Daniel Mark Epstein, Louisiana State University Press, 2009

The Georgia Review, art feature, Summer 2008, front and back covers, and p. 336-344. 2008

Unsplendid, and online journal of poetry, volume 1.3. 2008

New American Paintings, number 51, p.142-145. 2004

Cover painting, The Journal, a literary magazine published by Ohio State University, vol. 26.1, 2002.

Six drawings published in Quarter After Eight, A Journal of Prose and Commentary, vol. 5, 1999.

New American Paintings, number 16, p. 96-97, 125. 1998

Paintings reproduced on the cover and liner of Flood at the Ant Farm, a recording by Phillip Johnston’s Big Trouble, Black Saint Records. 1996



Individual Artist Award, Maryland StateArts Council, 2016

New American Paintings, Southern Competition, 2012

Juror's Choice Award, McLean Project for the Arts, Strictly Painting 8, 2011

Individual Artist Award, Maryland StateArts Council, 2010

New American Paintings, Southern Competition, 2010

Best in Show, Bethesda Painting Awards, 2010

Individual Artist Award, Maryland State Arts Council, 2008

Second Place, McLean Project for the Arts, Strictly Painting V, 2005

New American Paintings, Mid-Atlantic Competition, 2004

Juror’s Choice Award, Truman State University National Competition, 2004

Juror’s Choice Award, ArtMD 2004

Individual Artist Award, Maryland State Arts Council, 2002

Honorable Mention, Schoharie County Arts Center, National Small Works Exhibition, 2001

Honorable Mention, ArtMD 2000, Howard County Center for the Arts, 2000

New American Paintings, Southern Competition, 1998

Purchase Award, John Slade Ely House, New Haven, Connecticut, 1994



1999-present   Professor of Art, Head of Painting and Drawing, Towson University, Towson, Maryland

1997-99   Assistant Professor of Art, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee

 © 2022 by Nora Sturges

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